About Minwook Je

제 민 욱

Minwook Je
GitHub | LinkedIn | Website
Blog KakaoTalk

Hi I'm minwook. I want to be a conscientious person weighing my love and justice. 🐋

1. Experience 💻

1-1. Bear Robotics

2022.03 - 2022.09


Headquarters: Redwood City, California

HomePage | Linkedin

1-2. Kakao

2020.07 - 2022.03


Headquarters: Jeju, Korea

HomePage | Linkedin

Software Engineer

  • Joined Blockchain task force(Krust) and developed front page and API server that issues Klaytn NFT based certification cards for Korea National Human Resources certification system
  • Kakako Wallet : Developed a B2B cloud service that manages web identification cards for the membership of client companies.
  • Deployed Kakao cloud services with Kubernetes and RabbitMQ.

1-3. SEMES - Samsung Electronics

2020.01 - 2020.06


HomePage | Linkedin

Embedded Software Engineer(S3)

  • Developed a thread scheduling software for a distributed semiconductor etching system using C++

1-4. Nexters

2020.11 - 2022.12


Homepage | Github

Management Staff

  • Instructed software development project teams of 64 members, provided feedbacks throughout sprints and organized team building events.

Software Developer

  • Led a backend development of a couple’s date planner web service using NestJS, typescript, GraphQL, mongoDB and Kakao-place API


2018.01 - 2019.12



Student Developer

  • Launched an official website for Ajou University Festival using Django and AWS EC2

2018.03 - 2018.12

Student Developer

  • Developed a Sentiment Analysis model using Python Keras, presenting it at the Academic Conference of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
  • Developed a deep-learning based Android app that quantifies eight facial characteristics of users.

2. Side Projects 🚋

2-1. Youtube music playlist

22.07 - 22.10


2-2. Exchange diary

22.02 - 22.03


2-3. Bookmark share

21.07 - 21.08


2-4. Couple dating map record

21.04 - 21.07


🏄 Skills

  • language: Rust, Golang, Python, Kotlin, Typescript
  • frontend: Svelte, React, Tailwind Css
  • backend: Fiber, Gin, FastAPI, NestJs ,Django, Spring
  • db: mongo, mysql, postgreSQL
  • infra: kubernetes, docker, gcp, aws, nginx, heroku, rabbitmq
  • etc: REST/gRPC/GraphQL, monorepo, DDD, TDD, OOP, FP


🎓 Education

Ajou University

  • Major : B.S. Digital Media 3.64
  • Coursework : Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating System, Database System, Data Science, Media Analytics and others