

How can I create an transparent donation system based on blockchain DAO concepts, in a practical way.

  • What is ICP’s SNS (Service Nervous System)
  • Where can I use SNS?

sns faq

summary sns faq

How unique are SNS DAOs in Web3?

ICP is unique in that it can host fully-on chain dapps (frontend, backend application logic, and data), so SNS DAOs are unique in that they can fully control (via voting) every aspect of a dapp, since everything is on-chain.

Having fully on-chain DAOs is important because it enables all decisions to be executed on the blockchain. This is in contrast to existing DAOs on other blockchains where voting takes place on-chain but the execution of the results are often carried out by developers off-chain. This facilitates true decentralization.

What are the advantages of SNS DAOs?

  1. Community Engagement: as co-owners of the product, users become core contributors, developers deliver on value proposition.
  2. Speedy User Adoption: As co-owners, users become the biggest advocates of the product.
  3. Funding: projects are funded through a community-driven decentralization sale.