
[GCP] Iot core



referenced Technical overview of Internet of Things article.

  • top-level components(3)

    • device: hardware itself and sw
    • gateway: connect to cloud services without internet
    • cloud: google cloud
  • type of message

    • state information(data)
      • current status of the device
      • read/write
    • telemetry
      • device metric (i.g sensor data, gps …)
      • read only
      • Each source of telemetry results in a channel
      • Telemetry data might be preserved as a stateful variable on the device or in the cloud.
  • commnads

    • actions performed by a device.
    • commands are often not idempotent
    • which means each duplicate message usually results in a different outcome
  • operational information

    • i.g. CPU operating temperature and battery state
    • can be transmitted as telemetry or state data.
  • serial interface

    • process of sending data one bit at a time, sequentially, over a communication channel or computer bus
    • contrast to parallel communication
  • GPIO

    • General-purpose input/output pin
    • can be designed to carry digital or analog signals, and digital pins have only two states: HIGH or LOW.
  • PWM

    • pulse width modulation
    • The effect in the device can be a lower or higher power level
  • ADC

    • analog to digital conversion
    • analog -> binary
  • I2C

    • Inter Integrated Circuit
    • Inter-Integrated Circuit serial bus uses a protocol that enables multiple modules to be assigned a discrete address on the bus
    • pronounced “I two C”, “I-I-C”, or “I squared C”.
  • OTA update

    • over the air updates

GCP IoT Core conecpts

Devices, Configuration and State

1. Device metadata

metadata serves primarily as a label or identifier for devices. (or classifies devices)

  • more secure than device state or device configuration because device metadata is never sent to or from a device
  • shouldn’t change often (best: update it no more often than once per day)
  • 500 key-value pairs (each key must be unique)
  • Cloud IoT Core does not interpret or index device metadata
  • e.g. hardware thumbprint, serial number, manufacturer information

2. Device configuration

IoT Core → device Sends desired state to robot with pre-defined commands like e.g.

  • Device configuration is an arbitrary, user-defined blob of data sent from Cloud IoT Core to a device
  • Device configuration is persisted in storage by Cloud IoT Core (64KB)
  • After a configuration has been applied to a device, the device can report its state to Cloud IoT Core.
  • A device configuration should focus on desired values or results, rather than on a sequence of commands
  • Updates a device’s state by sending the expected state as a configuration
  • Note that a device is not guaranteed to receive every configuration update
    • If a configuration is being updated rapidly, devices may not receive intermediate versions.

Configuration versions

  • A device receives configurations only in increasing order of version numbers; in other words, it will never be sent a configuration older than its current version
  • If the device reconnects to the MQTT bridge, it may receive an older configuration than it did during the earlier connection (rare case)

3. Device state

device → IoT Core Captures the current status of the device, not the environment

  • Devices can describe their state with an arbitrary user-defined blob of data sent from the device to the cloud
  • Device state information is not updated frequently.
  • Configuration and state data can have the same schema and encoding, or they can be different
  • e.g. health of the device or its firmware version