
[Book] The Power of the Heart by Baptist De Pape

Finding your true purpose in life


Whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all thy heart by Jesus


이 챕터에서는 저자가 유망한 로스쿨 입학하여, 공부하다 갑자기 학교를 그만두고 전세계로 유명 인사들을 만나서 이야기 나눈 여정과 그 도전을 하기까지의 동기부여를 말하고 있다.

I had begun thinking: What did I really want from life? What was my goal?

I felt I’d lost my way and I was worried about my future.

It’s fine to ask yourself what you want from life, but a far more important question is, What does life want from you? … it’s important to allow moments of silence into your life, because silence can let you escape the mental noise that we call “thinking.”

I also didn’t want to disappoint my parents, who had been proud of my academic success and career choice.


The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart by Buddha

Whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all thy heart by Jesus

Abide at the center of your being, for the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart-the way to do is to be. by Laozi

The higher order of logic and understanding originates in your heart. It is experienced in your heart. It is lived in your heart. by Gary zukav

We think of the heart in the poetic sense, the seat of love and compassion and it’s this heart that is so terribly important. by Jane goodall


파울로 코엘료가 어린시절 내향적이고 고집스러운 아이로 보여서 부모님에 의해 정신병원에 보내졌고, 20대에는 저자와 마찬가지로 law school에 입학했지만 drop out한 스토리가 나온다.

From the moment that I realized that I wanted to be a writter, I said, “It may take ten days, ten years, or twenty years, but I am going to write.” I started by writing songs; I started writing articles for newspapers. I had no choice but to follow the thing that I wanted to do. by Paulo cohelho

When you lose touch with your heart, you lose touch with your true self. You may feel unmoored and aimless; the world around you seems colorless, dull, and bleak. You cannot remember where you are going with your life. But as soon as you reconnect with your heart, eveything begins to improve. You are never truly lost when you know your heart.